Tuesday, May 7, 2024

27 Common Houseplants That Are Popular for Good Reason

houseplant house plants

It thrives in medium to bright sunlight but requires watering at least once a week. Most of the leaves boast a deep green shade, but as they grow, you’ll see more and more of the pink-colored stems. Most people have creeping figs outside their homes and allow the vines to grow on the walls, but it’s small enough that you can keep it as a great indoor plant. It gets its name from the silver pattern on the leaves, which resemble aluminum. It can’t be placed on a windowsill because it doesn’t like direct sunlight, but make sure it has indirect light.

Common House Plants Classics and New Favorites

houseplant house plants

If you love ferns, Boston ferns’ luxurious, dense foliage is hard to beat. Growing up to 3’ tall by 3’ wide, Boston ferns are some of the larger ferns you can grow as houseplants and they add vibrant color and a classic feel to any décor. Just place your fern on a pebble tray or mist it occasionally and you should have a charming houseplant for years to come.

What is Just Houseplants?

English ivy makes a great hanging ornamental plant, serving as an excellent wall cover and growing quite tall when given the opportunity to climb. English ivy needs more active care and pruning than many other types of plants, growing to an astounding ninety feet under ideal conditions. Unlike most cacti, the Christmas cactus doesn’t tolerate drought too well. It prefers moist soil, but not to the point that things get soggy.

ZZ Plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia)

An almost constant show of pale pink or white blooms goes on above the foliage. You can also find oxalis varieties that have plain green foliage with and without silvery accents. Bring the beauty of this unusual plant into your home, and you won't be disappointed. Keep it happy with a watering schedule of two to three weeks — soil that's kept lightly moist is best. If conditions are right, this beauty (Aeschynanthus radicans) will produce striking, tubular red blooms, which look similar to lipsticks. As a tropical plant, it likes humidity, warmth, and bright, indirect light.

Philodendron Green

Another succulent variety, the versatile aloe vera is easier to keep at home than you might think. Just put it in a spot that gets plenty of sun throughout the day and water it sparingly (like, once a week max—any more and your aloe might develop droopy, mushy-looking leaves). "Aloe are low-maintenance succulents, and they thrive without much attention," plant expert Nick Cutsumpas previously told mbg.

Do indoor plants need a lot of sunlight?

Pour water slowly until liquid comes out of the drainage holes at the bottom of the pot. Though some houseplants are virtually foolproof to grow, all plants need basic care. Plants thrive in an environment that closely mimics their native habitat.

They are easy plants that require little maintenance to flourish. Many houseplants benefit from misting the leaves to boost humidity around plants. While some plants benefit from frequent misting, others need little or no misting.

Where to buy house plants in Raleigh, NC - RALtoday

Where to buy house plants in Raleigh, NC.

Posted: Fri, 09 Feb 2024 08:00:00 GMT [source]

Golden Pothos (Epipremnum aureum)

It has a thick trunk topped by an umbrella of thin, strappy leaves, giving it a unique and visually appealing appearance, says Hancock. Snake plants come in several different shapes and sizes, some with solid green leaves, some with striping and some with cylindrical leaves. A native of the warm, humid rainforests of Queensland and New Guinea, shingle plants should be kept away from cold drafts and provided with at least 70% humidity levels. With slightly woody stems and rounded leaves that come in either solid green or variegated coloring, shield aralias are small, tropical shrubs from the Pacific Islands.

Tree philodendron (Philodendron selloum) has very large, glossy green leaves that are lobed and incised. "The large foliaged houseplant has gained in popularity due to its impact on complimenting home décor," says Bunting. It can tolerate a range of growing conditions, but it luxuriates in a warm and humid room. When browsing the nursery for a new houseplant, you'll find that certain options are more readily available than others. The most common houseplants are known for being low maintenance, tolerant of a range of growing conditions, and beautiful to look at. Native to Brazil, purple shamrocks prefer humidity levels around 50% and consistently moist, but not soggy, soil.

It’s pretty, forgiving, and a great plant for your favorite nook or cranny in the house. The leaves will droop if it’s not getting enough water, so you’ll be able to tell quite easily if you’ve got the schedule right. If your leaves start browning, try switching to distilled water, as the fluoride in tap water can affect these plants. If you have a minor cut, scrape, or sunburn, you can take some leaves for use (just don’t use more than 1/3 of the plant) and your Aloe will regenerate the loss in 3 – 5 months.

Grown for their attractive blooms outdoors (just about everywhere) and indoors when given enough bright light. The Neo Px doesn't remove the same particles as a HEPA air purifier, so it's not a one-to-one replacement for those machines, Mora, the company's CEO, explained. There are a few varieties of ZZ plant beyond the standard version pictured here. The two most common varieties are the Raven ZZ (Zamioculcas zamiifolia ‘Raven’) and Zeni ZZ (Zamioculcas zamiifolia ‘Zeniz’). The Raven ZZ, also called Black ZZ or Supernova ZZ, is a version with dark, nearly black leaves. Monsteras and fiddle-leaf figs, dramatic though they are, just don't have the same appeal they once did.

houseplant house plants

This pretty tropical plant can grow quickly, so be ready to repot. They favor the same conditions as other tropical plants—warm and humid. Spider plants prefer warm, humid conditions, and can make do with lower light situations.

Native to South America, flame violets are related to African violets and similarly prefer being watered from their base. As houseplants, their trailing growth habit works well in hanging displays that allow the plants stems to drape in a natural way. A flowering member of the spurge family, crown-of-thorns is a particularly beautiful succulent plant, naturally found in Madagascar. With small bright blooms coming in white, salmon, pink or yellow, this plant is known for its thorny stems which are used in nature as a natural defense mechanism. With bushy, feathery-looking foliage, asparagus fern begs to be touched, but be careful of the small thorns that line its stems.

Most of their leaves reach upward, creating a dense bit of foliage and making it easy to keep this shrub near other indoor plants. Air plants are one of the most unusual options you can grow in your house because they don’t need soil or a potting mix. In their native environment, these epiphytic plants grow on trees.

Yucca is also quite toxic to pets, so don’t buy this if you have cats or dogs. Snake plants are extraordinarily hardy plants, to the point that locals in their native African habitat use them for ropes and baskets. It grows well in almost any lighting except full, direct sunlight, though you may need to rotate it regularly to discourage growing towards the sun. This is one of the easiest houseplants to grow and also one of the hardest to kill. Regular pruning will help it stay at a manageable size, but since it’s easy to care for, it’s another great option for beginners. It grows well throughout the year, including in winter when most other houseplants are dormant.

24 Easy-Care Houseplants With Low Watering Needs

houseplant house plants

It can thrive with just water in its vase, but it enjoys being grown in a potting mix designed for houseplants. Rubber plant (Ficus elastica) is a large, tree-like houseplant with glossy, oval leaves that can be green, bronze, or variegated. "This old-fashioned houseplant has stood the test of time," says Bunting. "Tolerating a variety of light conditions makes the rubber plant a tough and adaptable houseplant."

Money Tree

Flowering typically happens during the winter but can vary depending on care. Desert rose is a slow-growing succulent that is great as a houseplant because of its beautiful blooms. The blooms are deep pink that sits atop thick trunks and thin, delicate leaves.

houseplant house plants

Humidity Guide

It is known to be one of the best air-purifying plants and can remove toxins such as benzene, formaldehyde, and trichloroethylene from the air. This is an excellent post about houseplants, and it is perfectly explained. For complete care and maintenance details, read our guide on how to grow and care for peace lilies. Peace lilies typically grow from one to four feet tall and wide, but there are smaller dwarf cultivars as well as ones that reach up to six feet. Hoya gracilis (syn. H. memoria) has raspberry-colored flower clusters with the sweet smell of caramel, and burgundy tinged leaves on vines that may trail up to 36 inches. The colorful blooms are held on upright flower stalks above the foliage, providing an eye-catching pop of cold-season color.

What Are Other Names For A ZZ Plant?

Pinch back the stems of too tall or leggy plants to encourage bushier growth. The naturally shiny leaves of the ZZ plant require little effort to maintain their good looks. Simply dust them off with a damp cloth (leaf sprays may damage the foliage). Keep in mind that all parts of the plant are toxic, so keep away from children and pets. This tropical vine comes in a variety of foliage colors and patterns.

Madagascar Dragon Tree – Dracaena marginata

When blooms are finished, prune them off, but leave the flower stock. This tropical low-maintenance plant is a very popular houseplant for good reasons. It can produce small clusters of star-shaped flowers in various colors. This particular begonia is a cross between the common wax begonia and tuberous begonia. They are often called elatior begonias, so keep that in mind when shopping.

Variegated Houseplants With Beautiful Leaf Patterns

You can also stick them in a glass of water for a week or so until roots form and then pot in fresh soil. Perfect for use in a hanging basket or even spilling from a regular planter. If your plant becomes leggy over time, prune it back by pinching off the stems directly above a leaf node.

houseplant house plants

Some variants are even bred to grow with solid red leaves for bold pops of color. In addition to pink, these petite plants come spotted with white, purple, lavender, and red colors on their leaves. Most varieties at plant nurseries have the traditional pale pink color, so check out an online plant store if you're looking for a rare breed.

Common Indoor Plants For Any Home or Apartment

You’ll usually start to see flowers appearing in the spring and summer, but even when it’s not in bloom, this plant’s glossy, dark green foliage is beautiful all on its own. This easy houseplant for beginners has trailing branches that work well in hanging baskets. Named after the unpleasant sensations it creates in your mouth if it’s accidentally ingested, this gorgeous foliage plant features highly contrasting green and white leaves. Unlike most popular houseplants that stay green year-round, this pick can provide a fun pop of color. African Violets come in a variety of hues, from white to blue to, of course, purple.

Heart Leaf Fern

Amaryllis are very popular around the holidays because they can produce beautiful blooms during that time. The plant has huge trumpet-like blooms in red, pink, white, and a mix of all those colors. The blooms can last for several weeks when given the proper care.

It has a compact growing habit making it a great choice in smaller spaces. And finally, the Ficus Audrey is a beginner-friendly tree that can grow to make quite a statement. Since its leaves are naturally fuzzy, you'll want to wipe them down with water every few weeks to keep dust from settling and getting in the way of photosynthesis. Besides that, here's what to know about keeping this statement plant happy. Rubber plants, also known as Indian rubber trees, can grow to over 50 to 100 feet tall in the wild.

12 Plant Watering Tips — Signs of Overwatering Plants Trusted Since 1922 - Reader's Digest

12 Plant Watering Tips — Signs of Overwatering Plants Trusted Since 1922.

Posted: Mon, 11 Mar 2024 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Cast Iron plants don’t need a whole lot of light, so don’t keep them in direct sunlight. As far as soil, they’ll do well in all kinds, even clay, but standard potting soil is the easiest and will work perfectly. The white-speckled, spiky green leaves of the Aloe Vera plant are recognized by many and known for their healing properties. Incidentally, they are also quite easy to take care of should you decide that you would like one in the house. That’s because Aloe Vera is part of the succulent family, a group of hardy plants with thick, fleshy leaves which thrive just about anywhere that you plant them. Adansonii monstera loves well-draining soil that is kept moist at all times.

Just try to keep your inchplants out of direct light which can cause sunburn. A small variety of fern, heart-leaf ferns rarely grow larger than 8” tall, making them well-suited for living in terrariums. Terrariums work particularly well for this species as it enjoys high humidity levels of above 60%. Named for its bright red blooms, flame violets’ colorful flowers are only accentuated by their showy, highly contrasting leaves. If you’re looking for a unique looking houseplant that your friends likely don’t have in their collection, why not try the fishtail palm?

Try to keep them in an area with plenty of bright indirect light, and consider getting dedicated fertilizer to provide them with extra nutrients. Unlike other variegated houseplants, shrubs, vines, or succulents, the weeping fig is a stunning little tree. The leaves are thick and waxy with a dark green and spots of a creamy white color. It’s a small indoor houseplant with yellow and deep green leaves. If you struggle with houseplants or are just starting out, this is a great plant to have.

If you want to grow an unusual houseplant, try keeping an avocado tree. When grown outdoors, avocado trees can exceed 60’ tall; however, as houseplants, they are much more diminutive, rarely growing above 10’. Aside from the occasional watering, they don’t need special soil or care, so you can generally leave them alone. However, the tips of their leaves can be sharp, so you can hurt yourself if you’re not careful.

Monday, May 6, 2024

Find Affordable Housing HPD

house connect

Owners will maintain a waiting list for a particular development so that, if an apartment becomes available, there is a ready list of potential tenants. If an apartment becomes available or the apartments are not all rented during the initial application process, the developer will offer the apartment to applicants on a waiting list. If you are on a waiting list, the developer may require you to renew your status as an interested applicant by contacting their office every six to twelve months. Your eligibility to rent one of these apartments is determined by your income at the time you are offered the apartment. If your income has increased above the allowable maximum income since you originally applied for the apartment, you are no longer eligible to receive this apartment.

Contact & service

NEW YORK—Today, Mayor de Blasio announced the launch of the new NYC Housing Connect, New Yorkers’ central resource for finding and applying for affordable housing. Significant upgrades on the new portal make applying for affordable housing quicker and easier. The new system streamlines the application process, provides New Yorkers with a clear picture of the opportunities they can apply for and includes more types of housing than ever before. Fraud Alert Warning to Apartment SeekersDo not pay any money or fee at any time to anyone for an application to any HDC-sponsored housing project. HDC does not give out applications and there is no general application for HDC projects, as they are privately owned. If your application is selected for processing, documents will be requested by the managing agent at that time.


This guide provides an overview of the steps to enroll in the (Affordable Connectivity Program) ACP, resources to support HUD-assisted communities, and best practices and lessons-learned from ConnectHomeUSA communities. Out of town residents can apply for an HDC-financed affordable apartment; however, preference is given to current New York City residents. Your income is an important part of your affordable housing application.

Income Eligibility

This step-by-step Applying for Affordable Housing guide explains what to expect when applying for affordable housing in New York City. NYC Housing Connect is New Yorkers' portal to find and apply for affordable rental and homeownership opportunities across the five boroughs of New York City. Ready to Rent can help you prepare to apply for affordable housing lotteries. You can get free one-on-one financial counseling and assistance with your housing applications.

From design to manufacturing to installation, Connect Homes handles it all.We’ve honed this process in the 10+ years we’ve been designing, manufacturing and delivering modular prefabricated homes. Our Design Series offers 15 semi-custom prefab home models and ADUs to fit different lots, lifestyles, and budgets. Ready to replace your existing home with the modern build of your dreams? Living in a modern home is no longer about someday, it’s available now. Connect Homes offers curated design options with optional customizations and add-ons.

Why Are Boys And Men Struggling For Connection? - House Calls Podcast - HHS.gov

Why Are Boys And Men Struggling For Connection? - House Calls Podcast.

Posted: Tue, 11 Jul 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

The NYC Housing Connect Guide explains applying for affordable housing in New York City. One of the few mentions came from Kelly O'Donnell, president of the correspondents' association, who briefly noted some 100 journalists killed in Israel's 6-month-old war against Hamas in Gaza. In an evening dedicated in large part to journalism, O'Donnell cited journalists who have been detained across the world, including Americans Evan Gershkovich in Russia and Austin Tice, who is believed to be held in Syria. Families of both men were in attendance as they have been at previous dinners. To attend a remote hearing, you may log on from a computer or mobile device.

house connect

Each housing lottery on NYC Housing Connect has different income requirements based on your household size. See the requirements for open lottery units on NYC Housing Connect. CHUSA works closely with its nonprofit partner, EducationSuperHighway, to leverage private-sector commitments to support the work of CHUSA communities. To learn more about their work and other resources that can support your digital inclusion efforts, we invite you to peruse this page for links to the CHUSA Playbook, past CHUSA Summit materials, guidebooks, and more. “This pandemic has laid bare the vulnerabilities of our city, and shown how important safe, high quality, affordable housing is for all New Yorkers and all neighborhoods. All nonconfidential court hearings are open to the public for in-person access only.

Celebrities included Academy Award winner Da'Vine Joy Randolph, Scarlett Johansson, Jon Hamm and Chris Pines. Counterprotests back Israel's offensive and complain of antisemitism. To get inside Saturday's dinner, some guests had to hurry through hundreds of protesters outraged over the mounting humanitarian disaster for Palestinian civilians in Gaza. They condemned Biden for his support of Israel's military campaign and Western news outlets for what they said was undercoverage and misrepresentation of the conflict.

More ways to get help with this program

There is no remote option for the media or public to observe court proceedings. LACourtConnect and Webex are intended for remote appearances by participants with a role in the case, including litigants, attorneys and witnesses. Living in a modern home is no longer about someday, it’s accessible now. Connect Homes offers curated design options with the efficiency of modern prefab house manufacturing.

If you see an application for HDC developments that appears suspicious, report it to HDC Compliance immediately. The New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development handles the application process when apartments within this program become available. You may visit the NYC Mitchell-Lama Connect website for additional information about any Mitchell-Lama developments that may be accepting applications. Eligibility for HDC-financed developments is based on household annual income before taxes, and other criteria.

This California Family Home Was Built Entirely in Three Months - Dwell

This California Family Home Was Built Entirely in Three Months.

Posted: Mon, 22 May 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

We’ll keep you in the loop while you bask in the luxury of not having to think about details. For a full overview of the LACourtConnect Virtual Gallery and Virtual Well, click on the following resources. Sign up for the monthly newsletter to receive the latest research and news about broadband, and to learn more about ConnectHomeUSA.

For details on the resale of an apartment, please review the Offering Plan with the managing agent of the specific development you are interested in, as each development has its own Offering Plan. At the end of the process HDC must approve the resale but is not involved during negotiations with the buyers and sellers or their representatives. There is extremely high demand for HDC-financed apartments because they are so affordable. Based on the volume of responses to a lottery, it is not always possible for every applicant to be contacted. If your application is selected for processing, you will be notified in writing by the developers and their managing agents as to your eligibility status. However, it is possible that your application may not be selected in the lottery, in which case you will not be contacted.

Standardized, more affordable design options with expedited timelines. Adding or removing names to and from your lease must be reviewed with your landlord or managing agent. Income guidelines are based on how the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) calculates the Area Median Income (AMI) of the New York City region. Income guidelines are calculated annually and therefore subject to change on a yearly basis. According to a preliminary investigation released Friday by the Committee to Protect Journalists, nearly 100 journalists have been killed covering the war in Gaza.

With Home Connect, you not only have the extensive functions of the app available to you, but also those of the connected partner services of the Home Connect ecosystem. The Home Connect app gives you access to all the relevant information at any time. It can not only switch your appliances on and off, it can also select programs, adjust timers, set appliances to eco mode and much more.

Middle-income apartments may be sublet to qualified tenants only, with the prior approval of the landlord. Explore a variety of webinars and resources which cover topics such as the Census, scam prevention, and digital inclusion and digital literacy efforts. This guide covers an overview of the National Broadband Map, how to update it, and tips for HUD-assisted communities to engage residents. View articles that cover topics such as what’s new in broadband, upcoming events, funding opportunities, stakeholder and community spotlights, and program reminders. Connect Homes is leading the way in modern home innovation, combining modular efficiency with architecturally significant design to take the complexity and chaos out of building a home.Modules are precision-built on demand in our factory.

Affordable Rental and Homeownership Opportunities HPD

house connect

Lotteries are held during the initial application process to ensure that all applicants are given an equal opportunity to obtain an affordable apartment. The Housing Connect system randomizes both online and paper applications and a log of applicants is created for each lottery. Selected applications are then reviewed in log order number to determine whether the applicant is apparently income eligible.

Read the Latest ConnectHomeUSA Newsletter

Meet My Moai, A Powerful Friendship Tradition - House Calls Podcast - HHS.gov

Meet My Moai, A Powerful Friendship Tradition - House Calls Podcast.

Posted: Tue, 27 Jun 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

You can schedule a remote appearance for your case by selecting a case litigation area below. The Court will accept reservations within 14 days from the current day and up to 30 minutes prior to the hearing start time. Learn how to build a digital inclusion plan for your housing community! Topics range from resident engagement to developing partnerships with local nonprofits, sourcing devices, and much more. We connect people to the benefits of modern design, and precisely engineered modular construction.

Frequently Asked Questions

View past Summits that feature a wealth of valuable information to build effective and sustainable digital inclusion programs. These case studies highlight a variety of innovative solutions covering connectivity and funding strategies implemented by participating communities to connect their residents to affordable in-home internet. HUD is available to answer questions related to broadband access and digital literacy programs. ConnectHomeUSA is a movement to bridge the digital divide for HUD-assisted housing residents by getting them connected at home while providing access to digital literacy and educational content. Find out how Home Connect can help your household become more efficient and safer at the touch of a button.

house connect

Find Affordable Housing

house connect

If you’re seeking lots of natural light, open-concept floor plans and a stress-free build process, you’ve come to the right place. Low-income HDC-financed apartments are entered into the rent stabilization system, which would usually mean that your rent will increase by a percentage every year, based on the increase allowed by the Rent Guidelines Board. However, these increases are limited by restrictions on rent increases in the low-income housing programs. Middle-income apartments are entered into the rent stabilization system, which means that your rent will increase by a small percentage every year, based on the increase allocated by the Rent Guidelines Board. Use this chart that helps explain the income categories we use to determine eligibility for affordable housing, which vary by household size, so you can see where you and your family fit in.

However, if apartments remain unoccupied after the lottery process, the owner may hire a broker to help rent these apartments. If you apply for the apartment through this broker, you may be required to pay a broker’s fee of no more than one-half of one month's rent for the apartment you are renting. If your application is selected, this After You Apply guide provides checklists and resources to help you prepare for your affordable housing interview. Before applying, please take time to read and review our helpful guides below with more information about getting ready to apply, what to expect, calculating your income, and after you apply. The guides below are currently being updated, though these versions continue to be useful for applicants preparing to apply for affordable housing.

Then check the Open Lotteries page to search for available rental and sales opportunities. All apartments are awarded through a lottery and your eligibility is determined by household size and income. There is no application fee, facilitator, outside expediter, or broker involved in this process. It is important that HDC-financed apartments are rented to tenants that qualify under the program requirements.

Israel has defended its actions, saying it has been targeting militants. More than two dozen journalists in Gaza wrote a letter last week calling on their colleagues in Washington to boycott the dinner altogether. Protest organizers said they aimed to bring attention to the high numbers of Palestinian and other Arab journalists killed by Israel's military since the war began in October.

NYC Mitchell-Lama Connect is your portal to view open waiting list lotteries and the current waiting lists for Mitchell-lama rentals and co-ops. The Mayor’s Office for Economic Opportunity uses evidence and innovation to reduce poverty and increase equity. It advances research, data and design in the City’s program and policy development, service delivery, and budget decisions. NYC Housing Connect is an online portal where you can find an affordable apartment or home to rent or buy. We’ve rethought the entire process of how homes are designed, built and purchased.

White House unveils $42.5B to connect every American to high-speed broadband internet - Maryland Matters

White House unveils $42.5B to connect every American to high-speed broadband internet.

Posted: Tue, 27 Jun 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

From the first day in your new home, you’ll enjoy a full range of smart living features, warranty assurance, the Connect Homes concierge, and our owner network. A new version of LACC will be released soon that improves the security of the Court’s remote hearings. If you need an interpreter for a courtroom proceeding, the court will provide one at no cost to you.

Each home is delivered on site 90% complete for installation with our patented smart delivery system. A fully integrated housing platform, designed for multi-unit communities. To view the program income requirements, please click on the Income Eligibility link/tab under the More Information section on this page. You can also sign up for email updates for when new lotteries are accepting applications. If you have questions or would like to learn more, send us an email at

From the modern prefab homebuyer, to the developer who sees a more efficient way, to build an entire community, we connect dreams to reality. Below is a list of HDC-financed developments with current vacancies or that are replenishing their waitlists and are currently accepting applications. To apply, please follow the instructions on the advertisement posted for each development.

Home Connect continuously aims to improve our website and the information we provide. We would like to invite you to take part in a short one minute survey. Get financial counseling and application assistance through Ready to Rent. Get application assistance from an organization through Housing Ambassadors.

Section 8 voucher or certificate holders are eligible to apply for HDC-financed low income developments. They are processed in the same manner as all other applicants and must meet all applicable eligibility criteria. Of course, the rent of the specific apartment in question must be within the maximum level allowable under the applicant’s voucher or certificate. If you are unclear about these maximum levels, you should contact the agency that allocated your certificate or voucher. We encourage you to review the following guidelines to help familiarize yourself with what to expect when applying for affordable housing and next steps after you apply.

Browse Connect Homes models and floor plans to let your vision take shape. As you explore, consider your build site and budget, and compare costs of the different models. LACC Release 2.0 introduces an enhanced interface with smoother transitions and heightened security when moving from the "Virtual Gallery" (the waiting area) to the "Virtual Well" (the courtroom). This version was phased in by litigation type beginning in September 2023. For persons with disabilities visit the courts ADA Information page for more information including contacting the courts ADA Coordinator. Photographing, recording, or broadcasting your hearing is prohibited by California Rules of Court 1.150 and local rules of court.

These applicants will then be notified to provide further information to ensure eligibility. After the initial rent up of the development, if there are more selected applicants than there are apartments, the managing agent will maintain a waiting list to possibly fill any future vacancies. Based on the volume of applications received, it is not always possible to contact all applicants. If you are interested in applying for affordable housing visit NYC Housing Connect to sign up and create an account or login to an existing account.

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Court Care of the Pikes Peak Region

el paso county court house

Vandenbosch argued the affidavits provided enough probable cause to show the migrants participated in the rioting. In partnership with Early Connections Learning Center, Court Care cares for children ages six weeks to 14 years old. Each year, Court Care provides a safe, fun, and supportive environment for an average of 4,000 children. Steve Schleiker took office as El Paso County Clerk and Recorder in January 2023. Previously he served two terms as the El Paso County Assessor and worked in the Assessor’s Office since 1999.

Wait Times at Offices

She is integral to the decision-making process that impacts the operations of all departments (Motor Vehicle, Elections, Recording, and Clerk to the Board). Kristi ensures the Clerk’s Office is in compliance with local, state, and federal requirements. Her participation on boards and committees that includes the El Paso County Strategic Planning Team, ensures we support county initiatives and that we have a voice in matters which impact our office and you, our customer. The 8th Court of Appeals, located in El Paso County, Texas, was created by the legislature in 1911. The Court of Appeals has appellate jurisdiction over civil and criminal cases appealed from the district and county courts in 17 counties in Texas. The 8th Court jurisdiction includes civil cases where the judgement exceeds $100 and criminal cases except in post-conviction writ of habeas corpus and where the death penalty has been imposed.

Civil Trial Preparation

Childress argued during the Monday hearing that Texas Department of Public Safety troopers had no probable cause when they made a mass arrest of a large group of migrants on riot participation charges. Being immersed in the legislative process of the Colorado General Assembly, Kristi and the Clerk monitor regulations and laws and offer insight into the possible impacts related to our Office. Kristi is very involved in managing our office’s Colorado Open Records Request (CORA) program. By investigating, analyzing, and preparing responses, she provides the public with timely, orderly, and efficient access to pertinent public records.


You can visit the 65th District Court's Protective Order Court directory listing for the most up-to-date information. You can visit the Child Support Court Number 2’s directory listing for the most up-to-date information. You can visit the 448th District Court's directory listing for the most up-to-date information.

Meet Your Clerk and Deputy Chief

While fulfilling the statutory requirements, of each department he will strive to provide efficient, personable service to customers and build relationships within the community. Steve will liaison with the state legislative branch of government to ensure laws impacting the Clerk’s Office are in the best interest of our citizens and support the local and state structure. The Office of the Clerk and Recorder is where many of the transactions between County Government and its citizens occur. This office is where you go to be issued a marriage license, search for land records and deeds, title your vehicle, renew your vehicle registration, and register to vote. Judge Morales reminded Vandenbosch several times that the charge the migrants are facing in state court is riot participation, not illegal entry into the U.S. Working with the Clerk, Kristi develops strategic goals and programs that are integrated within the office’s fiscal guidelines.

Main Office Hours:

The judge’s decision does not necessarily mean these migrants cannot be charged with rioting in the future — the El Paso District Attorney’s Office will have to lodge those charges, according to the El Paso Times. Federal immigration authorities have placed detainer requests on these migrants for unlawful entry into the U.S., which means they must remain in county jail for up to two days until they are transferred into federal custody, WFXR reported. Affidavits filed by DPS state troopers were the main focus of Monday's hearing stemming from the arrest of 142 migrants on riot participation charges. Citizens can be assured that Steve will protect their democratic right to vote and reinforce the commitment of the Clerk’s Office to conduct transparent, accurate, fair, and secure elections.

He holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Information Technology Management, a Master’s Degree in Project Management, and an Executive Master’s in Business Administration. Our 2023 Annual Report is testament to the productivity and level of service the Clerk and Recorder’s Office provides El Paso County residents. The 65th District Protective Order Court has also provided a Hearing Request Form that should be filed or emailed to

Vehicle Registration – Motor Vehicle Department

One shot to death outside El Paso County Courthouse in Colorado Springs, police say - The Denver Post

One shot to death outside El Paso County Courthouse in Colorado Springs, police say.

Posted: Thu, 16 Nov 2023 08:00:00 GMT [source]

During that time Steve served as a Personal Property Appraiser, Personal Property Manager, Office Operations Manager, and Deputy Assessor. During his tenure as our Assessor, he was the recipient of the 2017 Downtown Civil Servant Star Award and was also named the 2019 Assessor of the Year for the State of Colorado. You can visit the El Paso Child Support Court Number 1’s court directory listing for the most up-to-date information. Also read the 388th District Court’s Second Amended Standing Order to learn more about this court’s procedures.

You can visit the 346th District Court's directory listing for the most up-to-date information. You can visit the 243rd District Court's directory listing for the most up-to-date information. You can visit the 210th District Court's directory listing for the most up-to-date information. You can visit the 205th District Court's directory listing for the most up-to-date information. You can visit the 168th District Court's directory listing for the most up-to-date information.

Suspect in shooting at El Paso County Courthouse to appear in court today - KRDO

Suspect in shooting at El Paso County Courthouse to appear in court today.

Posted: Mon, 04 Dec 2023 08:00:00 GMT [source]

Records DepartmentComplete the Records Request Form and email it to  Records may also be requested in Room S101 of the courthouse. He is awaiting extradition to Lake County and faces decades behind bars. Childress argued that the charges were an “attempt to arrest and harass,” she reportedly said at the hearing. In the end, 682 migrants were detained for illegally crossing the border during the confrontation with National Guard troops. A group of migrants allegedly cut down the concertina wire placed on the border by National Guard troops and rushed the troops, state troopers and U.S Border Patrol agents.

el paso county court house

Another nine migrants are facing felony state charges of rioting due to their actions allegedly resulting in two National Guard troops being injured in the altercation. The El Paso County Motor Vehicle Department is responsible for certification of motor vehicle titles and registrations and acts as a division of the Colorado State Department of Revenue. We also renew Colorado Driver’s Licenses and offer other select driver’s license services.

County of El Paso Texas Court Directory

el paso county court house

All content created by the Daily Caller News Foundation, an independent and nonpartisan newswire service, is available without charge to any legitimate news publisher that can provide a large audience. All republished articles must include our logo, our reporter’s byline and their DCNF affiliation. For any questions about our guidelines or partnering with us, please contact

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Elpasocountycourt.org IS A PRIVATELY OWNED WEBSITE THAT IS NOT OWNED OR OPERATED BY ANY STATE GOVERNMENT AGENCY. If so, the Self-Help Center is here to assist you with a better understanding of court and legal terminology, procedural court questions, and figuring out what's the next step in your case.

Hobart man who shot at wife in driveway arrested in El Paso: police

Kristi is well versed in election management and is a graduate of the Election Center (National Association of Election Officials) Certified Elections Registration Administrator Program. Her engagement in the election process and coordination with the Election Department help guarantee our office successfully conducts transparent, accurate, fair elections. Once the request has been processed, you will receive an email from    If you have not received an email within 3 business days, please check your spam or junk folder. You must read this document thoroughly.Click here  for general jury information. TexasLawHelp.org is managed by Texas Legal Services Center, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

Courthouse shooting suspect ruled incompetent - FOX21News.com

Courthouse shooting suspect ruled incompetent.

Posted: Thu, 25 Apr 2024 23:13:09 GMT [source]

Civil Litigation in Texas: The Basics

Colorado Springs police investigate deadly shooting at El Paso County Courthouse - CBS Colardo

Colorado Springs police investigate deadly shooting at El Paso County Courthouse.

Posted: Thu, 16 Nov 2023 08:00:00 GMT [source]

The evidence in the affidavit includes the migrants breaching the concertina wire and "bum rushing" National Guard troops, state troopers and Border Patrol, Vandenbosch said. "No evidence of who in the National Guard witnessed the crime," Childress said. "These affidavits are nothing more than hearsay. We have nothing that points to these (migrants) participating in a riot." She argued the basis of the allegations against the migrants is hearsay, with the affidavits failing to identify anyone who saw the migrants participate in the riot. "Why were they camping and waiting for someone to cut the concertina wire?" Vandenbosch said during the hearing.

"This is nothing more than an attempt to arrest and harass," Childress said during the hearing. "This is one step," El Paso County Public Defender Kelli Childress said after the hearing. "Can the DA go back and indict them now? Sure, but I would hope they would have the integrity to explain to a Grand Jury what probable cause means and the fact that the judge found there was none." ​Steve is active in the community and enjoys living on the west side of Colorado Springs, where he is a member of Chapel of our Savior and serves on several local boards. After graduating from Widefield High School in 1987, he joined the United States Marine Corps where he received numerous awards and was a decorated veteran from Operations Desert Shield, Desert Storm, Southern Watch, and Deny Flight. In 1993, Steve was named first runner-up for the John W. Finn Aviation Ordnance Man of the Year award for the United States Navy and Marine Corps.

Marriage License

Open records request in El Paso County is available due to Texas Government Code, Chapter 552 which gives you the right to access government records. Governmental bodies will promptly release requested information that is not confidential by law.Public information requests to the El Paso County Auditor’s Office for financial information must be made in writing. Requests for information that is not finance can be sent to the County Clerk. The mass arrest of the migrants in El Paso follow a continuing crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border.

How To Applyfor Marriage License

They ensure the public receives accurate, professional communications, the office operations are efficient and structured, and the Clerk’s staff delivers experienced, empathetic customer service. Registration renewals are only available online, by self-serve kiosk, phone, or mail. Due to the severe labor shortage, registration renewals will not be done in the office. The 384th Adult Drug Court Program is a partnership between non-profit, public, and private entities who are united to address and treat the problem of handling drug-abusing offenders. These factors have earned El Paso County the label of being a high-intensity drug trafficking area with high substance abuse and mental health issues.

You can visit the 388th District Court's directory listing for the most up-to-date information. You can visit the 384th District Court's directory listing for the most up-to-date information. Also read the 383rd District Court’s Rules of Practice to learn more about the submission of evidence before a hearing. Also read the 383rd District Court Zoom Proceeding Procedures to learn more about Zoom appearances in this court. You can visit the 383rd District Court's directory listing for the most up-to-date information.

Read the 383rd District Court’s Rules of Practice to learn how to schedule a hearing. Depending on the complexity of the matter, type of hearing, and the situation, the court will use its discretion to permit virtual hearings. Read the El Paso County Local Rules to learn how to schedule a hearing. Also read our article on How to Use Zoom to prepare for a virtual hearing on Zoom.

You can visit the 120th District Court's directory listing for the most up-to-date information. Lastly, read the 65th District Court’s Rules of Practice for more information. You can visit the 65th District Court's directory listing for the most up-to-date information. You can visit the 41st District Court's directory listing for the most up-to-date information. You can visit the 34th District Court's directory listing for the most up-to-date information. Lastly, you can read the information on E-Filing posted by the El Paso District Clerk.

The Texas Government Code Chapter 552 gives the public the right to access government records, and an officer for public information and the officer’s agent may not ask why you want these records. Governmental units shall promptly release requested information that is not confidential by law. DPS troopers arrested 214 migrants on state misdemeanor "riot participation" charges.

el paso county court house

The deeds are real property certificates and recording deeds are $26 for the first page and $4 for additional pages. To obtain a deed in El Paso County, Texas you must have a grantors signature that has been acknowledged, contains a legal description of the property, and deliver to and accepted by the grantee. Texas Law Help is working with courts around the state to provide you with accurate information. To help improve upon the information that is available, please leave any comments or recommendations in this Virtual Court Content Survey. Participants of the Program are 17 years or older with DWI offenses that are misdemeanors, felonies, and federal charges and who reside in El Paso County, Texas. The mission of the DWI Drug Court Program is intended to reduce recidivism of alcohol drug offenders and to enhance public safety.

Court staff will contact you after your hearing is set with instructions for the hearing, including how evidence is submitted and presented to the court. As of the 2020 census the population was 865,657, the ninth most populated county in the state. The county seat is the City of El Paso, the six-most populated city in Texas and the 22nd most populated city in the United States. The country was organized in 1871, and is northeast of the Mexico-United States Border.The government of the county is a Commissioners Court which includes a county judge and four county commissioners who represent individual precincts. The County is home to Hueco Tanks, a National Historic Landmark and one of the world’s best rock-climbing destinations. The weather is sunny year round which makes El Paso the perfect place to enjoy a high quality of life and attractive residential areas.

The program is a cost-effective integrated care program and uses a judicially supervised treatment and innovative case management. To serve the State of Texas, the County of El Paso and the general public in providing accurate, timely, and efficient caseflow management for the County Courts at Law - class A and B misdemeanors, civil and probate cases. El Paso’s District Attorney’s Office Assistant D.A. Jennifer Vandenbosch argued that the group of migrants were aware they were participating in a riot when they crossed the border unlawfully, the El Paso Times reported. This is at least the second mass arrest incident at the border fence in El Paso. Vandenbosch argued that the act of illegally crossing the border in a large group showed the migrants participated in the riot. El Paso District Attorney's Office Assistant District Attorney Jennifer Vandenbosch countered the migrants knew when they crossed the border illegally that they were participating in a riot.

Saturday, May 4, 2024

NEXT@90 CURTAIN CALL San Francisco Ballet

war memorial opera house san francisco

At the same time, the nearby Zellerbach Rehearsal Hall, with a stage the same size as that of the Opera House, was opened as part of the complex which included the Louise M. Davies Symphony Hall. The artists who have performed on its stage are as legendary as the building itself. The theater hosts more than 60 performances of nine operas annually and for 85 years has been a vibrant enclave of arts, culture and creativity.


During the years of Kurt Herbert Adler's general directorship, the inadequacies of the house became apparent as the season was expanded. In 1974, The Pointer Sisters were the first pop act to perform at the theatre.[1] In 1979 the backstage area was extended, followed in 1981 by the opening of a new wing built onto the house on the Franklin Street side. This gave spaces for sets, coaches, and dancers as well as more administrative space.

San Francisco OperaWar Memorial Opera House

war memorial opera house san francisco

For some events, the layout and specific seat locations may vary without notice. Constructed in 1932, it stands as the only opera house in the country to be built by civic funding. Designed in the magnificent Beaux-Arts style by Arthur Brown Jr., architect of Coit Tower and City Hall, the War Memorial Opera House is one of three landmark buildings, along with the Veteran’s Building and Davies Symphony Hall, that make up the War Memorial Performing Arts Center. After opening its doors to audiences on October 15, 1932, the exquisite Opera House has been home to San Francisco Ballet since its earliest days. At the time of its construction, the stage complex was the largest and most technologically sophisticated in the United States—and its acoustics among the best in the world. The theater space is dominated by a massive aluminum and glass panel chandelier under a blue vault, and the proscenium arch is decorated with gilded figurative sculpture.

War Memorial Opera House building

Walking groups leave 15 minutes after the conclusion of each performance. The side boxes (55 seats, added during the 1977 renovation), with their light wood panels, absorb low frequency sound and interrupt full access of sound to the whole space. The vintage Wenger shell is too small in width, height, and volume to be effective. The large number of air-return openings in the ceiling contributes to the room’s deadness. A famed acoustician, Lawrence Kirkegaard (of Tanglewood, Royal Festival Hall, and locally, the Davies Hall renovation and the Conservatory Concert Hall), became involved with both the Herbst improvement and the planning for the S.F. The historic auditorium was renovated in 1977 as a gift to the city from the Herbst Foundation and renamed Herbst Theatre.

SF Ballet's spotlights stories, current voices, rarely seen works - Piedmont Exedra

SF Ballet's spotlights stories, current voices, rarely seen works.

Posted: Tue, 16 Apr 2024 07:00:00 GMT [source]

War Memorial & Performing Arts Center

(KRON) — KRON4’s Stephanie Lin interviews dancers from the San Francisco Ballet. The opening show is on April 30 at the War Memorial Opera House in San Francisco. Listen to Nicolas Blanc talk about Gateway to the Sun, the work he created for next@90 festival. Listen to Danielle Rowe talk about MADCAP, the new work that she created for next@90 festival.

The San Francisco War Memorial and Performing Arts Center (SFWMPAC) is located in San Francisco, California. It is one of the largest performing arts centers in the United States. It covers 7.5 acres (3 hectares) in the Civic Center Historic District, and totals 7,500 seats among its venues.

The theater has 3,146 seats plus standing room for 200 behind the orchestra and balcony sections. Multiple parking options are available within walking distance to the War Memorial Opera House. Get to the area early to make sure you give yourself ample time to park and get to the Opera House. Civic Center Ambassadors wearing orange jackets will be leading a walking group to the Civic Center and UC Law SF (formerly UC Hastings) garages. They will be on the north side of the main entrance steps on Van Ness holding a sign.

Harold L. Zellerbach Rehearsal Hall is located at the corner of Franklin and Hayes streets, and is directly adjacent to Louise M. Davies Symphony Hall. Zellerbach Rehearsal Hall consists of three rehearsal facilities, which can be used for a multitude of rehearsal purposes and movie shoots.[3] Herbst Theatre is housed in the Veterans building as homage to the War Memorial Opera House. The War Memorial Opera House, or the Opera House, with 3,146 seats, was built in 1932 as part of the original War Memorial Building. It has been the home of the San Francisco Opera since 1932, as well as the San Francisco Ballet.

It records the work of artists in over 3000 theatres, and publishes season information to opera-goers in 34 languages. Discover the War Memorial & Performing arts venues with a combined capacity of almost 7000 seats. Home to the SF Ballet and SF Opera, the War Memorial Opera House hosts the City's most dynamic classical performance.

Experience San Francisco Ballet with the intimacy only a member can enjoy. Imagine exclusive looks behind the scenes, getting priority access to your favorite seat in the Opera House, and connecting with artists and appreciators alike in beautiful settings. The 23–24 Season charts a new era for San Francisco Ballet, with powerful world premieres and beloved classic works that will be seen in San Francisco for the first time. The hall has a proscenium stage with an orchestra pit lift, which acts as a stage thrust when in its raised position. The stage house includes a fly system with 42 pipes, a complete lighting system, a professional sound system, and a Wenger orchestra shell. The stage has a proscenium width of 34 feet and is 30 feet deep (40 feet deep with the orchestra pit at stage level).

The UN Charter was later drafted and signed in the Herbst Theatre next door. Six years later in 1951, the Treaty of San Francisco, declaring peace with Japan was drafted and signed here and in the Herbst Theatre. The interior contains a grand entrance hall with a high barrel vaulted and coffered ceiling parallel to the street, with overlooks from staircase landings at each end.

Civic Center Ambassadors wearing orange jackets will be leading a walking group to the Civic Center BART and MUNI station. They will be on the southside of the main entrance steps on Van Ness holding a sign. Former SF Ballet Principal Dancer Nicolas Blanc returned to our studios to create this poetic and moving ballet in five movements, set to celebrated contemporary composer Anna Clyne’s exquisite score for cello and orchestra. Blanc models Gateway to the Sun after a poem by 13th-century Sufi mystic Rumi.

The Opera House played host to two historic events—the drafting of the charter of the United Nations in 1945, and the ceremony where the United States restored Japanese sovereignty in 1951. The War Memorial Opera House is an opera house in San Francisco, California, located on the western side of Van Ness Avenue across from the west side/rear facade of the San Francisco City Hall. Designed by Arthur Brown, Jr. in the American Renaissance style, the 3,146-seat War Memorial Opera House is a California Historical Landmark. The building has been the home of San Francisco Opera since it opened on October 15, 1932 with a performance of Giacomo Puccini’s Tosca.

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It thrives in medium to bright sunlight but requires watering at least once a week. Most of the leaves boast a deep green shade, but as th...